Against the Hype omg i ♥ this. Lust, Caution's crucial mahjong game's narrative impact decoded for us Westerners.
The Awl converses about A Single Man
Scott Brothers actresses and directors, a neat photogallery
Go Fug Yourself misses Keira Knightley
Sho'Nuff Lives lets it all out before the Oscars
The Big Picture more controversies for The Hurt Locker. Weird that all of these things are happening / being aired after voting has finalized. You'd think those smear campaigns woulda hurried.
my internet... is not having Mildred Pierce remake
fourfour Crazy Heart in 3 sec/∞
BuzzSugar Kidman tries a romcoms again
Vulture Avatar satire cut from Oscars? Well, if you remember James Cameron's freakout at a critic who didn't love Titanic you'll know he's very sensitive.
The New Yorker the oft hilarious Anthony Lane on the rise of 3-D
Boing Boing god bless futuristic technology. Have you heard Roger Ebert get an approximation of his voice back?
i09 "Battle Angel Alita" plot details
/Film Space Invaders movie in development. They're just paying for the title I guess. There isn't a story. Not one that I remember at least. But I was more a Robotron person in my quarter slotting days
Loyal KNG like the new Prince of Persia trailer?
And god bless futuristic technology. Have you heard beloved critic Roger Ebert get an approximation of his voice back?
Yes! Kathy Bates, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Charlize Theron
Duh, of course Queen Latifah, Barbra Streisand (if she gets to do best picture again... i'm going to scream. I love early Babs but spread the f***in wealth, Oscar), John Travolta (no wait, it'll be Travolta. Blargh), Sam Worthington
Huh... but interesting Tom Ford, Keanu Reeves (I bet he presents Best Actress)
Really? Jason Bateman, Gerard Butler
I get it. But I feel nothing Bradley Cooper, Samuel L. Jackson, Tyler Perry, Chris Pine, Ryan Reynolds
Again? When so many people never have Ben Stiller
It's the
Oscar is that old man who bought a red sports car and pierced one ear trying to look young Miley Cyrus, Zac Efron, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart

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