Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Anne Announcing Oscars

Anne Hathaway has been tapped to announced the nominations for this year's Academy Awards on the morning of Tuesday, February 2nd. One year after being named a nominee and starring in Bride Wars. What names will she be reading out I wonder? Since they've gotten a female to do the co-presenting honours, Anne will be announcing Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. The former seems locked solid (Bridges, Clooney, Firth, Freeman, Renner) although the latter could throw up a surprise or two. Will Hathaway announce "Stanley Tucci" before pausing for a couple of seconds and following it with "in Julie & Julia"? Will she be able to lay claim to being the first person to ever read Christopher Plummer's name out as an Oscar nominee? We shall see next week (NEXT WEEK!)

I also wonder if Anne gets the honour of announcing all ten of the Best Picture nominees or if she and Academy President Tom Sherak will split the duties. And no matter how they do it, what surprises will we see sprout out of this new-fangled system? I am both excited and bored to tears by the whole process, aren't you?

"Ugh, Invictus? REALLY?"

You tell 'em, Anne!

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